Number of people: 488 (205 alive)
Number of men: 252 (111 alive)
Number of women: 236 (94 alive)
Number of men: 252 (111 alive)
Number of women: 236 (94 alive)
Number of generation: 11
Maximal age of dead*: Sznopek Géza Sznopek Géza - 83 years 7 months 30 days (30 558 days)Average age*: 37 years 10 months 21 days (13 839 days)
Average age at first wedding*: 28 years 2 months 18 days (10 306 days)
Average age at first child*: 27 years 11 months 11 days (10 207 days)
The most frequent name: Jozef (33x)
Maximal age of dead*: ? Magdolna (nee Sznopek) Sznopek Magdolna - 95 years 10 months 4 days (35 007 days)Average age*: 37 years 9 months 13 days (13 801 days)
Average age at first wedding*: 24 years 4 months 1 day (8 889 days)
Average age at first child*: 24 years 11 months 9 days (9 110 days)
The most frequent name: Mária (35x)
Maximal age of dead*: ? Magdolna (nee Sznopek) Sznopek Magdolna - 95 years 10 months 4 days (35 007 days)Average age*: 37 years 10 months 2 days (13 820 days)
Average age at first wedding*: 26 years 2 months 12 days (9 569 days)
Average age at first child*: 26 years 3 months 11 days (9 599 days)
The most frequent name: Mária (35x)
Week days and months of birth:
The most of the people was born in May (25x)The most of the people was born on Tuesday (33x)
The least of the people was born in August (11x)
The least of the people was born on Monday (22x)
Week days and months of death:
The most of the people died in January (19x)The most of the people died on Saturday (26x)
The least of the people died in October (6x)
The least of the people died on Thursday (19x)
Week days and months of wedding:
The most weddings was in November (18x)The most weddings was on Monday (25x)
The least weddings was in March, April, August, September (1x)
The least weddings was on Wednesday a Friday (2x)
The youngest bride*: Snopková Margita (nee Mihálová) Mihálová Margita - age at wedding: 16 years 6 months 9 days (6 036 days)The youngest groom*: Snopek Štefan Snopek Štefan - age at wedding: 19 years 6 months 17 days (7 140 days)
The oldest bride*: Snopeková Eva (nee Škerdová) Škerdová Eva - age at wedding: 51 years 11 months 15 days (18 976 days)
The oldest groom*: Snopek Jozef Snopek Jozef - age at wedding: 63 years 7 months 18 days (23 241 days)
The shortest marriage: Snopek Adam Snopek Adam & Snopeková Eva (nee Škerdová) Škerdová Eva - (marriage details) - 0 years 3 months 12 days (104 days)
The longest marriage: Sznopek Géza Sznopek Géza & ? Terézia (nee Schmidt) Schmidt Terézia - (marriage details) - 53±1 year
The youngest mother*: Snopková Margita (nee Mihálová) Mihálová Margita - age at birth of child: 17 years 0 months 2 days (6 211 days)The younges father*: Snopek Štefan Snopek Štefan - age at birth of child: 20 years 0 months 10 days (7 315 days)
The oldest mother*: Snopeková Rozina (nee Ševčíková) Ševčíková Rozina - age at birth of child: 46±1 year
The oldest father*: Snopek Jozef Snopek Jozef - age at birth of child: 62 years 1 month 13 days (22 690 days)
Maximal age of mother on first child*: Snopeková Anna (nee Vrzalová) Vrzalová Anna - 39 years 1 month 24 days (14 298 days)
Maximal age of father on first child*: Pavlo Matúš Pavlo Matúš - 45 years 2 months 22 days (16 520 days)
Maximum number of children is 13. This parent is Snopek Ondrej Snopek Ondrej .
The youngest grandmother*: Snopková Augustína (nee Priečinská) Priečinská Augustína - age at birth of grandchild: 38 years 8 months 29 days (14 152 days)The youngest grandfather*: Snopek Štefan Snopek Štefan - age at birth of grandchild: 41 years 7 months 11 days (15 198 days)
The oldest grandmother*: Snopeková Zuzana (nee ?) ? Zuzana - age at birth of grandchild: 70±1 year
The oldest grandfather*: Snopek Ondrej Snopek Ondrej - age at birth of grandchild: 99±1 year
Maximal age of grandmother on first grandchild*: Snopeková Juliana (nee Skotnyár) Skotnyár Juliana - 61 years 0 months 7 days (22 286 days)
Maximal age of grandfather on first grandchild*: Snopek Ján Nepomucký Snopek Ján Nepomucký - 65 years 8 months 13 days (23 998 days)
The youngest great-grandmother*: Priečinská Mária (nee Pavlikovičová) Pavlikovičová Mária - age at birth of great-grandchild: 64±1 yearThe youngest great-grandfather*: Snopek Štefan Snopek Štefan - age at birth of great-grandchild: 71 years 10 months 2 days (26 238 days)
The oldest great-grandmother*: Priečinská Mária (nee Pavlikovičová) Pavlikovičová Mária - age at birth of great-grandchild: 82±1 year
The oldest great-grandfather*: Snopek Ondrej Snopek Ondrej - age at birth of great-grandchild: 119±1 year
Maximal age of great-grandmother on first great-grandchild*: Priečinská Mária (nee Pavlikovičová) Pavlikovičová Mária - 66±1 year
Maximal age of great-grandfather on first great-grandchild*: Snopek Ondrej Snopek Ondrej - 85±1 year
* Records that are not known in day precision are approximate. In case other person has more accurate record in the same interval this person is used.