Veselý Peter

Maiden name: Veselý
Last name: Veselý
Birth: 12/2/1860, Čuklasovce
Death: 5/22/1861, Čuklasovce, 18
Death cause: slabosť - weakness
Burial place: Čuklasovce
Death: 5/22/1861, Čuklasovce, 18
Death cause: slabosť - weakness
Burial place: Čuklasovce
Veselý Jozef
Veselý Jozef, ?/?/1832
Mother: Pavlová (Veselá) Anna (nee Snopeková) Snopeková Anna, 9/30/1834
Mother: Pavlová (Veselá) Anna (nee Snopeková) Snopeková Anna, 9/30/1834
? Mária (nee Veselá)
Veselá Mária, 9/2/1862
Veselý Jozef
Veselý Jozef, ?/?/1866
? Anna (nee Pavlová)
Pavlová Anna, 12/10/1872
Relation between main and selected person:
Snopek Ján
Snopek Ján
(main person)
Snopek Michal
Snopek Michal
(his son)
Pavlová (Veselá) Anna (nee Snopeková)
Snopeková Anna
(his doughter)
Veselý Peter
Veselý Peter
(her son)
Length of live:
0 years
5 months
20 days
(171 days)
Live places:
- Čuklasovce, 18
Religion: rímsko-katolícke
Christening: 2.2.1860
Godparents: Kleiner Peter, 1828 (224) , Anna Margolienová
Christening: 2.2.1860
Godparents: Kleiner Peter, 1828 (224) , Anna Margolienová
Nationality: slovenská - slovak
11/4/1833 | |||||||
10/30/1859 | |||||||
Date of inserting to database: 9. 11. 2008
Date of last change: 29. 6. 2009 17:13:32
Date of last change: 29. 6. 2009 17:13:32